Podcast: Crunching the testing data so far
Formula 1

Podcast: Crunching the testing data so far

by Matt Beer
1 min read

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The latest edition of The Race F1 Podcast attempts the difficult task of evaluating performance over the first two days of pre-season testing.

Gary Anderson joins Mark Hughes and Edd Straw to crunch the numbers, which tells a good story for some teams and raises question marks over others – albeit based on very sketchy data so far.

There are also some stories from Anderson’s past as an F1 technical director which reveal how far teams have come in their simulation technologies.

The Mercedes ‘DAS’ system is dissected as well, with Anderson explaining how the system works and Hughes delving into the wider topic of F1 team’s front ends.

The Race F1 Podcast – available from all good podcast suppliers including Apple Podcasts and Spotify – has also produced special EXTRA episodes analysing each new F1 car as they emerge.

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