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Sebastian Vettel’s struggle to adapt to the driving style team-mate Charles Leclerc uses to get the best out of the Ferrari SF1000 is among the questions Gary Anderson answers in his latest podcast.
The former Jordan and Stewart Formula 1 technical director explains why it’s not quite as simple as one driver looking at another’s data, and outlines the difficulties behind making sure your drivers get the most from the car.
He also answers questions on Vettel signing for Aston Martin in 2021, the DRS regulations and exactly what the role of an F1 technical director involves.
With the Tuscan Grand Prix restart shunt also still fresh in the memory, Anderson also explains the rule changes that contributed to making the consequences potentially more serious.
The Gary Anderson F1 Show is released weekly and available from all good podcast outlets, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
The audio quality from Gary is not to the usual standard because he was on holiday at the time of recording, but normal service will be resumed for the next episode of his podcast. Please accept our apologies for the moments when it is a little more difficult to listen to than it would usually be.
Listen to “Why can’t Vettel sort out his driving style?” on Spreaker.